Monday, October 13, 2014

Astrology GIFs for the Week of October 13, 2014

Alter to changes brought about by last Wednesday’s lunar eclipse. Begin to function with issues on Tuesday the 14th, when Venus and also Jupiter, the two most generous planets, aspect pleasingly. Any Cancer moon on this day promotes and elevates residence situations and ameliorates relations with your mother (if that will rapport is troubled). Be mindful that whenever Venus and also Jupiter aspect, overindulgence is amplified and may manifest inside the desire for sweet, rich, and fatty foods. You may also have urge to shop to excess. Keep a leash in your spending and try not to purchase technological items until the twenty sixth, when Mercury stations direct. Pretty things (jewelry, cosmetics, and clothing) are propitious to acquire as Venus as well as the sun reside in Libra, the planet of all beautiful things produced by people.

The sun and Mars link energies well in Wednesday the 15th. This suggests that you have the opportunity to reduce undue aggression in your life, most likely involving beliefs or strength struggles. If you have someone you want to reconcile differences with, speak to them on this day; you have a strong chance of working items out. The sun and Mercury also relate harmoniously in Thursday the 16th, and a benevolent aspect forms in between Mercury and Mars. Embrace changes with bravery and also a courageous attitude. Mercury and Venus link on Comes to an end, and you should speak with your lover about an important issue. While Belleza is still in Libra this week, her virtues are ample and you have the ability to conquer in love situations.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Your spouse or worries over business contrat have been on your mind since the lunar eclipse last Wednesday. Immediately, you will receive pleasant news regarding these relationships. Recognize an attack rely on brothers and sisters, if you have them, to help you through difficult periods. Conversations with siblings will yield good results. You have several planets in your sign now; you have have magnetic take and the power to attract. Venus, the sun, and Mercury bless you with good looks, confidence, and the power to communicate successfully, so make the most of these transits and make things happen today.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Things are ending for you. You may see things differently after last week’s lunar new moon. Lunar eclipses reveal shadows, and you, Scorpio, are not frightened to confront the dark side. You are about to embark on a really unusual time in your life when the sun and Venus enter in your sign next week. There is a solar eclipse next week inside your sign, so this week, it is important for you to prepare yourself. Your finances can easily suffer or to be under siege at that time. Use your assets and rely upon your superiors at work to offer guidance. You may choose to appeal for an increase in wages, which will manifest in some weeks when Mercury and Venus enter your signal. With Mars in your second house of finances, you happen to be daring about monetary decisions. Be sure to think things by means of and rely upon the advice of those whom you value before acting hastily. Mercury in retrograde until Saturday the 26th does not help this issue; things will answer themselves and bear fruits eventually, but you will have to hang on a short while.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Even though your sexual desire is already up, the number of sexual partners you have will increase immediately, or you may attract past lovers or one-night holds. Look for such news Tuesday through Wednesday of this few days. With Mars in your sign until the 26th, you're solid and have an amplified sex drive. This period of your life promises fantastic physical pleasure, joy, and laughter, if you allow oneself the indulgence. You have the charisma and charm to draw in those who can help you to increase your status. Your ruler, Jupiter, is Leo for quite some time, and this is your ninth house of soul and religion. Until August of 2015, your spiritualty will play a major role in your life and awaken you to new ways regarding living that will expand your understanding of existence.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

If things with your family have improved or you are living with your parents again, last week may have got some tense moments due to the lunar eclipse. You might be sense drained. Mars, the planet of vitality, strength, and braveness, is in your 12th house of restriction, which means that you need to delve into your emotional and physical reserves in order to achieve goals this month. You have the planetary power in your tenth residence of honors, so have faith in the movements of the divine bodies and draw strength from astral power. You might like to tap into past-life regression, if you believe in such things, due to Mercury’s position in your chart stationed retrograde - try to picture yourself as someone else.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

If you bought an argument with someone via social media last week (particularly any sibling), you'll experience a realization this week. Your ninth residence of spirituality and foreign travel is packed with superstar power and promotes a peaceful attitude. Libra is surely an air sign, and this signifies that you are able to communicate with simplicity regarding past issues that may have caused a rift. Subsequent week’s solar eclipse in Scorpio may bring distressing news at work, so use your communicatory magic now and also resolve old issues that are due to expire. Above all, sleep in control.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

The lunar new moon in your second house of money and finances last week could have brought strange and unsettling news regarding your employment. You may and a superior had a disagreement. This week, focus on the particular support of your peers and associates; they will be able to understand your plight and provide support. It's possible that you will receive cash from an unusual source - expect news from Thursday the 14th throughout the weekend. The solar eclipse inside Scorpio next week will bring a great realization that influences your current perspective; a mysterious man, perhaps someone who can enhance your status, may change the course of your life.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

This week, you are recuperating from the lunar eclipse inside your sign that occurred last Wednesday. You learned something crucial about yourself or uncovered something that you must ponder. In Tuesday the 14th, Venus will aspect Jupiter, inside your fifth and seventh houses of love and sex, and in addition of marriages and dual pacts. On Wednesday the particular 15th, the sun in your sector of marriage in Libra aspects Mars in your sector of spirituality and better good; nuptials made now will yield very good effects. If you are unattached romantically, this week strongly suggests that you match up with someone to succeed. It is very important that you join forces in a legitimate or binding way this week in order to get what you need. As Mercury retrograde interacts with both Mars and the sun on Comes to an end the 17th, it's possible that this partnership involves someone from your past or is perhaps someone you already know. This pairing is also with someone from a foreign place. It’s better the particular people come to you; if you do have to travel over the next couple of weeks, be sure to take proper safety precautions. Mars in Sagittarius inside your ninth house of travel can cause unexpected accidents and also mishaps, so be careful if you must venture overseas.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Last week’s lunar eclipse inside your horoscope’s area of money has brought new information regarding your financial resources. Perhaps you uncovered something about your assets. On Tuesday the particular 14th, you will be able to express yourself with great ease to be able to inferiors or assistants at work; this is a good day to use outside agencies for, make speeches, or train those who work for you. You may knowledge a recurring illness or injury this week; get items checked out and dealt with for good. Your sixth house regarding health holds many planets that form major factors this week, so investigate that which ails you. Transits declare that you have enough astrological luck on your side to heal.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You may have discovered something about your will be or encountered people from your past last week. Entertain these kinds of friends at home, if possible, on Tuesday the 14th. Request them over for coffee or a glass of wine beverages, and enjoy a nice conversation over good times had. The effect of Venus and Jupiter on this day will ensure you do have a good time. The moon is also in Cancer, which usually favors home-related endeavors. You and your spouse or business partner would certainly do well to discuss an important issue that's left your partnership splintered because there is an aspect between the sun and Mars in Wednesday the 15th that lends the wherewithal to fix things. Friday the 17th is a day to schedule anything fun: Be sure to socialize on this day, and to interact and also mingle with people. You may run into someone from the past together with whom you would like to reunite, due to Mercury’s retrograde motion.

Tumor (June 21-July 22)

Because last week’s lunar new moon delivered tidings regarding your work situation, this week, you will benefit from the rewards of accomplishment. On Tuesday the 14th, you should do well to shop for home-related items or to invite other folks over to your home. But if you do go shopping for furnishings, try not to spend too much. Whenever Jupiter and Venus aspect, they can result in overindulgence or gluttony. These are fun transits to experience, yet there are always consequences to Jupiter’s expansive effect on Venus’s desire for luxury and richness. The rest of the week, there are factors that will bring old friends or visitors over to your house, more than likely on Friday the 17th.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

You realized something about your spirituality or psychic do it yourself last week that has left you open to new concepts. An individual communicate well with people now. Specifically, correspond with these from whom you have not heard lately. On Thursday the 14th, these talks will produce the best effects. You may also hear from a past lover. These dalliances together with former friends and flings will be enjoyable and deliver positive results due to the effect of the sun, Mercury, and Mars in Wednesday and Friday, respectively. This influence lasts through the weekend.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

If something crucial to you ended last week, you may begin to pick up the parts and rebuild your life this week. The planets will show you toward alternative ways of increasing your assets, and you will definitely receives a commission soon, maybe mid-week. Be open and embrace new strategies to employment if you have the opportunity. Seek council from a parent, faith based figure, or philosophical adviser of some sort.

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